
*Baru ketemu (lagi)
A : What's wrong?why are ur hands sweating? (artinya : hoi, naha tangan maneh keringetan 
     Do you have heart desease? (maneh aya panyakit jantung kitu? *ih amit2*)

Some reactions from B (another speaker) are.....
1." Yes i have" (jwbn meh gancang, soalna teu resep ka si A) 
2."........" alias cant say anything alias speechless alias bungkam seribu kaki. why? krena rupanya dy deg2an, nervous krn berada di dekat A, krn dy bogoh ka si A.that's why her hands sweating. Owhh so swiitt.. (jwbn php?)
3. "No, no. Its not heart deasease. Just physical things.You knoww..err.." (henteu2.lain masalah psikis,kayaaa... errr km tw lah) (jwbn bnr, tp bleguk krn jujur teuing)
4."No.Its not like that. i really get nervous with my life lately, dont know why.." (jujur deui *fyuuhh)
5."Perhaps. i should check to hospital. Umm..if i die, would u like to give this testament for my family? tell them i go. Dont cry 4me.n 4 the one i love? I would like him to know that since i was born, i only love him (ciehhh..uhukk *keselek biji cabe*). that'll be my first ever declare 4 him *sambil ngikik*"  -"""- (emot nuju ponian buukna)


*Baru ketemu (lagi)
A : What's wrong?why are ur hands sweating? (artinya : hoi, naha tangan maneh keringetan 
     Do you have heart desease? (maneh aya panyakit jantung kitu? *ih amit2*)

Some reactions from B (another speaker) are.....
1." Yes i have" (jwbn meh gancang, soalna teu resep ka si A) 
2."........" alias cant say anything alias speechless alias bungkam seribu kaki. why? krena rupanya dy deg2an, nervous krn berada di dekat A, krn dy bogoh ka si A.that's why her hands sweating. Owhh so swiitt.. (jwbn php?)
3. "No, no. Its not heart deasease. Just physical things.You knoww..err.." (henteu2.lain masalah psikis,kayaaa... errr km tw lah) (jwbn bnr, tp bleguk krn jujur teuing)
4."No.Its not like that. i really get nervous with my life lately, dont know why.." (jujur deui *fyuuhh)
5."Perhaps. i should check to hospital. Umm..if i die, would u like to give this testament for my family? tell them i go. Dont cry 4me.n 4 the one i love? I would like him to know that since i was born, i only love him (ciehhh..uhukk *keselek biji cabe*). that'll be my first ever declare 4 him *sambil ngikik*"  -"""- (emot nuju ponian buukna)
