i'm going to write a paragraph in English, or if i'm lucky or smart maybe i can type more than one paragraph..wish for me...
Do u think i am too often to write for a blog? I dont kno..i just feel so excited to write now. I used to write my diary everyday long-long time ago. Before i kno that my life is too suck to be written down.. "I have a new toys" that's what i feel when i met fingerpuff. We always need something new 4 new toys in our life, dont u think so?
I've learnt to: "never write ur true feeling on ur status on facebook where people u involve is there". it's a big no no! u'll be judged as LEBAY. NORAK. and it could posibbly make everything worst.It's better 4 u to keep it or talk it with ur fren or with the direct party u have problem. Trust me. HoHOho..
I like music. a lot. I dream to be a ****** since i was kid. hahah..but it's only impossible now.i like book very much. I wish a library in my own house. My husband (ehm) and i will read book in our library and also our children (hihihi).. We will hunt for book in bookstore. That will be amazing. Hmm..
In my posting, i always try to insert a sort of text for him. Somebody i like now.. I cant lie my self that i truly miss him now. I cant meet him, call him, send him a text.. all i cant do. I just wish he realises what i feel now. I kno maybe it's too early but this is what i feel now. (hey, i'm listening My Name is KHan's Soundtrack. hahaha it's pretty nice song..) Actually i dont kno exactly what i really want. Before, my ex and i, we had chatting. He started it. I was so shock, my heart beat so fast. (oh my god. Really cool song! i think i will copy it. it's on my fren computer..i'm using my fren computer to post this..heheh). Although he didnt ask my news,hahah.. So what do u think?Don't u think i still like him? In the opposite, i feel some kind of connection with another man.
I dont wanna play hard on other's feeling. I kno how sad it is when ur man like another woman. That's why sometimes it makes me doubt to step forward or not with him. Hahaha.. padahal dia blm tentu mw jg m gw!
I wanna be better person day by day. But my youth's passion is always win. Doesnt mean i am bad, right? Bcos i don't do something bad, crime, i'm just little crazy. Little tricky. Oh iya, talk about tricky. I ever bought a pair of shoes in KoKem. It's cheap, Rp. 30.000 on that moment. But the tradesman do trick by changing the size of the shoes which is smaller than my size. I knew even on my first experiences. Cos It still tight in my foot even it's bigger size. I hate that stupid trick. I even saw litlle girl did it. Asked by her mom. So sick. I ever acted in front of my fren. Pretending that it was my true emotion. I will not tell u what, hahaha.. But acting is very important in life. U will need it. especially in working. Banyak penjilat cuy. Cuih.. hii.. but i'm not good actress. gw berhasil. Tapi jarang berakting, krn ga bisa ngboong-in org lain. Yang gw bisa cm trik2 lemah cetek gitu.haiss...
"Maybe I need some rehab
Or maybe just need some sleep
I got a sick obsession
I'm seeing it in my dreams
I'm lookin down every alley
I'm making those desperate calls
I'm staying up all night hoping hitting my head against the wall"
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